Turnbull China Bikeride
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580 lines
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* String++ Version 2.12 02/16/93 */
/* */
/* Enhanced string class for Turbo C++/Borland C++. */
/* Copyright 1991-1993 by Carl W. Moreland */
/* */
/* Str.cc */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
extern "C"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation "str.h"
#include "str.h"
/* ----- Constructors/Destructors ------------------------------------- */
_ptr = new char[1]; // NULL string
_ptr[0] = '\0';
string::string(const char c, unsigned n)
_ptr = new char[n+1]; // allocate memory for n chars
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
_ptr[i] = c; // copy n chars
_ptr[i] = '\0'; // NULL terminate
string::string(const char* s, unsigned pos, unsigned len)
int s_len = strlen(s);
if(pos > s_len)
pos = s_len;
if(len > s_len - pos)
len = s_len - pos;
_ptr = new char[len+1]; // allocate new memory
strncpy(_ptr, s+pos, len); // copy the substring
_ptr[len] = '\0'; // need to NULL terminate
string::string(const string& s, unsigned pos, unsigned len)
int s_len = s.Len();
if(pos > s_len)
pos = s_len;
if(len > s_len - pos)
len = s_len - pos;
_ptr = new char[len+1]; // allocate new memory
strncpy(_ptr, s(pos), len); // copy the substring
_ptr[len] = '\0'; // need to NULL terminate
void string::ltos(long n)
char tmp[15];
#if defined (__GNUG__)
ostrstream(tmp, 10) << n << ends;
ltoa(n, tmp, 10);
_ptr = new char[strlen(tmp) + 1];
strcpy(_ptr, tmp);
delete _ptr;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
string& string::Right(unsigned len)
Mid(this->Len()-len, len);
return *this;
string& string::Left(unsigned len)
Mid(0, len);
return *this;
string& string::Mid(unsigned pos, unsigned len)
int s_len = Len();
if(pos > s_len)
pos = s_len;
if(len > s_len - pos)
len = s_len - pos;
char *tmp = new char[len+1]; // allocate new memory
strncpy(tmp, _ptr+pos, len); // copy the substring
tmp[len] = '\0'; // need to NULL terminate
delete _ptr;
_ptr = tmp;
return *this;
string& string::Justify(int mode, unsigned len, int clip)
Trim(); // delete outter whitespace
int this_len = Len();
if(this_len >= len && clip == 0) // check for out-of-bounds
return *this;
if(this_len > len && clip == 1) // check for clipping
if(mode == LEFT)
else if(mode == CENTER)
Mid((this_len-len)/2, len);
else if(mode == RIGHT)
return *this; // return clipped string
if(mode == LEFT)
*this = *this + string(' ', len-this_len);
else if(mode == CENTER)
*this = string(' ', (len-this_len)/2) + *this + string(' ', len - (len+this_len)/2);
else if(mode == RIGHT)
*this = string(' ', len-this_len) + *this;
return *this; // return normal string
string& string::toUpper(void)
for(int i=0; i<strlen(_ptr); i++)
_ptr[i] = ::toupper(_ptr[i]);
return *this;
string& string::toLower(void)
for(int i=0; i<strlen(_ptr); i++)
_ptr[i] = ::tolower(_ptr[i]);
return *this;
int& string::Value(int& n)
n = atoi(_ptr);
return n;
long& string::Value(long& n)
n = atol(_ptr);
return n;
string& string::Insert(unsigned pos, const string& s)
int this_len = this->Len();
int s_len = s.Len();
if(pos > this_len)
pos = this_len;
char *tmp = new char[this_len + s_len + 1];
strncpy(tmp, _ptr, pos);
tmp[pos] = '\0';
strcat(tmp, s.ptr());
strcat(tmp, _ptr+pos);
delete _ptr;
_ptr = tmp;
return *this;
string& string::Delete(unsigned pos, unsigned len)
int this_len = this->Len();
if(pos >= this_len)
return *this;
if(len == 0)
return *this;
if(len > this_len - pos)
len = this_len - pos;
char *tmp = new char[this_len-len+1];
strncpy(tmp, _ptr, pos);
tmp[pos] = '\0';
strcat(tmp, _ptr+pos+len);
delete _ptr;
_ptr = tmp;
return *this;
char* string::Copy(char*& s)
s = new char[Len() + 1];
strcpy(s, _ptr);
return s;
string& string::Trim(int mode, char ch)
int begin = 0;
int end = this->Len()-1;
if(ch == WHITESPACE) // if we're deleting whitespaces...
if(mode == LEFT || mode == CENTER) // delete leading whitespace
while(isspace(_ptr[begin]) && begin <= end)
if(mode == RIGHT || mode == CENTER) // delete trailing whitespace
while(isspace(_ptr[end]) && end >= begin)
else // else a character was specified
if(mode == LEFT || mode == CENTER) // delete leading characters
while(_ptr[begin] == ch && begin <= end)
if(mode == RIGHT || mode == CENTER) // delete trailing characters
while(_ptr[end] == ch && end >= begin)
int s_len = end-begin+1;
char *tmp = new char[s_len + 1];
strncpy(tmp, _ptr+begin, s_len);
tmp[s_len] = '\0';
delete _ptr;
_ptr = tmp;
return *this;
/* ----- Operators ---------------------------------------------------- */
string string::operator()(unsigned pos, unsigned len) const
string tmp(this->_ptr, pos, len);
return tmp;
// =
string& string::operator=(const char ch)
delete _ptr;
_ptr = new char[2];
_ptr[0] = ch;
_ptr[1] = '\0';
return *this;
string& string::operator=(const char *s)
char *tmp = _ptr; // don't delete _ptr yet
_ptr = new char[strlen(s)+1];
strcpy(_ptr, s);
delete tmp;
return *this;
string& string::operator=(const string& s)
char *tmp = _ptr; // don't delete _ptr yet
_ptr = new char[s.Len()+1];
strcpy(_ptr, s.ptr());
delete tmp;
return *this;
string& string::operator=(const int n)
delete _ptr;
char tmp[15];
#if defined (__GNUG__)
ostrstream(tmp, 10) << n << ends;
itoa(n, tmp, 10);
_ptr = new char[strlen(tmp) + 1];
strcpy(_ptr, tmp);
return *this;
// +
string operator+(const string& s1, const char *s2)
string tmp(s1);
tmp += s2;
return tmp;
string operator+(const char *s1, const string& s2)
string tmp(s1);
tmp += s2;
return tmp;
string operator+(const string& s1, const string& s2)
string tmp(s1);
tmp += s2;
return tmp;
// +=
string& string::operator+=(const char ch)
char *tmp = _ptr;
int this_len = this->Len();
_ptr = new char[this_len + 2];
strcpy(_ptr, tmp);
_ptr[this_len] = ch;
_ptr[this_len+1] = '\0';
delete tmp;
return *this;
string& string::operator+=(const char *s)
char *tmp = _ptr;
_ptr = new char[strlen(tmp) + strlen(s) + 1];
strcpy(_ptr, tmp);
strcat(_ptr, s);
delete tmp;
return *this;
string& string::operator+=(const string& s)
char *tmp = _ptr;
_ptr = new char[strlen(tmp) + s.Len() + 1];
strcpy(_ptr, tmp);
strcat(_ptr, s.ptr());
delete tmp;
return *this;
// *
string operator*(const string& s1, int n)
string tmp(s1);
for(int i=1; i<n; i++)
tmp += s1;
return tmp;
// *=
string& string::operator*=(unsigned n)
char *tmp = _ptr;
_ptr = new char[n*strlen(tmp) + 1];
strcpy(_ptr, tmp);
for(int i=1; i<n; i++)
strcat(_ptr, tmp);
delete tmp;
return *this;
// []
char& string::operator[](unsigned n) const
if(n >= Len())
n = Len()-1;
return *(_ptr + n);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* AWK-style functions */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int index(const string& s, const string& t)
int pos;
char *tmp;
if((tmp = strstr(s.ptr(), t.ptr())) != NULL)
pos = (int)(tmp-(const)s.ptr());
pos = -1;
return pos;
string substr(const string& s, unsigned p, unsigned n)
string tmp = mid(s, p, n);
return tmp;
int split(const string& s, string*& array, const string& fs)
int i=0, j=1, start=0;
int fs_len = fs.Len();
int s_len = s.Len();
string *tmp;
while(i < s_len)
if(strncmp(s(i), fs(), fs_len) == 0)
tmp = new string[j];
i = 0;
j = 0;
while(i < s_len)
if(strncmp(s(i), fs(), fs_len) == 0)
tmp[j++] = string(mid(s, start, i-start));
i += fs_len;
start = i;
tmp[j++] = mid(s, start, i-start);
array = tmp;
return j;
int gsub(const string& from, const string& to, string& str, unsigned count)
int i=0, j=0;
int from_len, to_len;
from_len = from.Len();
to_len = to.Len();
while(i <= str.Len()-from_len)
if(strncmp(str(i), from(), from_len) == 0)
str = left(str, i) + to + right(str, str.Len()-i-from_len);
i += to_len;
if(++j == count)
return j;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* C-style functions */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
string toupper(const string& s)
string tmp(s);
return tmp;
string tolower(const string& s)
string tmp(s);
return tmp;
string left(const string& s, unsigned len)
string tmp(s, 0, len);
return tmp;
string right(const string& s, unsigned len)
string tmp(s, s.Len()-len, len);
return tmp;
string mid(const string& s, unsigned pos, unsigned len)
string tmp(s, pos, len);
return tmp;
string justify(const string& s, int mode, unsigned len, int clip)
string tmp(s);
tmp.Justify(mode, len, clip);
return tmp;
string trim(const string& s, int mode)
string tmp(s);
return tmp;
/* ----- Stream I/O --------------------------------------------------- */
ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const string& str)
return s << str();
istream& operator>>(istream& s, string& str)
char p[256];
s >> p;
str = p;
return s;